Meet the Crew 🛠

This are the Members we are working with 👋! Feel free to ask around for anything related to them. We do encourage constant feedback to build a better experience for any member of the SpongeBored.

Edd.izzy#6196 - 🇷🇴 GMT/UTC + 2h

Gabriel |#4089 - 🇷🇴 GMT/UTC + 2h

apandy9427🍌 #3696 - 🇺🇸 UTC/GMT - 4h

G O K U#5884 - 🇦🇺 GMT/UTC + 10h

gagan001#3869 - 🇦🇪 UTC/GMT + 4h

Lucry#0879 - 🇮🇩 GMT/UTC + 7h

^ NFTobi | ETH ∆#1591 - 🇷🇴 GMT/UTC + 2h

SB WRLD - CryptoWRLD | Dope Heads#0001 - 🇬🇧 UTC/GMT + 1h

Robcats Dopeheads crookz#3053 - 🇬🇧 UTC/GMT + 1h

Henry13#2402 🇿🇦 UTC/GMT - 1h

Letter_Ae#4582 - 🇵🇭 UTC/GMT + 8h



Last updated